Wills Drafting
Non-Muslim foreigners usually need to draft wills that detail how their belongings should be distributed in Dubai in a manner that suits their free will. The reason why they usually seek such service is that property distribution according to Islamic Shariah Law may not suit them or it may even contradict their own laws or religious beliefs. Muslims may also draft their own wills within the legal limits authorized for heirs other than the forced heirs, according to the applicable law. In such cases, the testator needs to hire a professional attorney. The attorney has to be capable of drafting wills, fulfilling the requirements of legal drafting and official documents of assets, as this is especially important with regard to owned and determined assets.The said attorney should be able to obtain certificates and documents that prove ownership of those assets. The will may also extend to what is beyond saidassets, unless the will is amended.
Mohamed Al Hajeri Advocates & Legal Consultants Law Firm provides legal advice and consultation services to clients regarding drafting and probating wills before the courts. Such services aim at ensuring the distribution of assets and funds according to the mechanisms that the testatorsconsider appropriate. We also work on issuing decisions to approve and probate wills. Moreover, the firm provides the testator and the heirs witha copy of the approved will if the testator wishes to do so.